23 Years Experience, 11 Years at Stenham
Rishi is a member of the Investment Advisory Committee, with responsibility for the review of new and existing investments from an operational perspective, providing formal recommendations to the Investment Advisory Committee with a right to veto those that do not meet the required standards. In addition, he has complete oversight of operational risk within the Firm, including the review of critical business processes and the resulting level of risk within our business and the products that we manage. Prior to joining Stenham in 2013, Rishi served as Head of Operational Due Diligence at Momentum Global Investment Management, where he pioneered their due diligence process and built the risk management framework. He has also held positions within operational risk, global forensic accounting and financial services audit at Credit Suisse Asset Management, Ernst & Young and Deloitte respectively. Rishi is a qualified Chartered Accountant and holds the Investment Management Certificate. He obtained his BSc in Economics from University College London.